
 Afro-Alpine Tour and Safaris is a local Tour operator in Kasese town that conducts all tours and safaris in Uganda.

We are local and we know the area like the back of our hand. Afro-Alpine Tour And Safaris was
founded with the wish to protect the area and to show our guests that
sustainable tourism is possible. Our guides know the local languages to provide
you with the real experience. We know the people and we know the culture
because it is our culture, our area, our home. Together with you it will be
possible to protect our beautiful surroundings.

There are many National Parks in Uganda and they all offer a unique
experience. Every traveller is different and would like to see different
landscapes and wildlife so we tried to summarize the different
attractions at every park. Also all of our tours can and will be
individually modified to your wishes. Whatever it is that makes your
heart beat faster, we would be happy to guide you along the way. All
tours can also be started from Kampala.

National Parks

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Q.E.N.P lies around 80 kilometers south of Fort Portal. It is one of the most popular parks in Uganda covering four different types of landscape and inhabiting almost a hundred species of mammals including elephants, hippos, leopards, and lions. In the southern part, you can also find the famous tree-climbing lions.

Lake Mburo National Park

A rather small park with a high density of animals. also special about this particular park: it is the only place in Uganda where you can see zebras as well as giraffes and of course many many more animals such as the beautiful impala, bushbucks, waterbucks, warthogs and much more.

Kibale Forest National Park

The density and diversity of primates in Kibale National Park are the highest in the whole of Africa. The most popular of its 13 species are the chimpanzees, our closest relatives. Kibale’s 1450 chimpanzees indicate Uganda’s biggest population of this threatened primate.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Tracking the mountain gorillas in Bwindi impenetrable forest ranks among the absolute highlights of African travels. Uganda is a home to Nineteen (19) habituated gorilla Families that are open to gorilla tracking.These habituated gorilla families are located in four different sectors that include,Ruhija,  Buhoma, Nkuringo, and Rushaga, sectors. Hike in the mountains and track down gorilla families to see how they live their lives.

Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is where the Nile explodes through a narrow gorge and cascades down to become a placid river whose banks are thronged with hippos and crocodiles, waterbucks and buffaloes. The vegetation is characterized by savannah, riverine forest, and woodland. Wildlife includes lions, leopards, elephants, giraffes, hartebeests, oribis, Uganda kobs, chimpanzees, and many bird species.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park sits high in the clouds, at an altitude of between 2,227m and 4,127m. As its name suggests, it was created to protect the rare mountain gorillas that inhabit the dense forests, and it is also an important habitat for the endangered golden monkey.

Semuliki National Park

Semuliki National Park is located on the remote western side of the Rwenzori mountains. Being the only lowland tropical forest in East Africa, this park is definitely worth a visit. Especially bird watchers get their share as there are over 400 different species of birds in the park.

Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo is Uganda’s most isolated national park, but the few who make the long journey north, through the wild frontier region of Karamoja, would agree that it is also the most magnificent, for Kidepo ranks among Africa’s finest wildernesses. From Apoka, in the heart of the park, a Savannah landscape extends far beyond the gazetted area, towards horizons outlined by distant mountain ranges.

Book a tour now to witness Uganda’s beauty.

You want to visit more than one National Park?
We can design a custom Safari trip for you. Please just tell us all about your wishes in the booking form and we will create an individual offer for you.