27 Days Long Uganda Safari tour with mountain hiking taking you to all the most exciting safari destinations including Sipi falls, Murchison falls, Kibale, Queen Elizabeth, Bwindi, Mburo and Ssese Island for memorable Uganda holiday experiences.


Day 1- Arrival and Hotel Transfer in KampaLa:
On your arrival for your long Uganda safari, you will be met by our company representative together with your driver / guide and depending on your time of arrival, either do a city tour of Kampala including Kasubi Tombs, the Uganda Museum and the African Craft Village OR directly transfer to the hotel where you will relax and recover from the jet-lag! Dinner and overnight at Cassia Lodge

Day 2 – Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park:
Have breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the magnificent Murchison falls national park – Uganda’s largest national park with lots of natural wonders. The drive is relatively short from Masindi and you will enter the park early and visit the famous Top of the falls where you can enjoy a snack while listening to the sound of the flowing water!

It is here that water thunders through different rapids from a 7-metre gap to fall over 40 meters Gorge below and the experience is mesmerizing! Drive off to the hotel for late lunch, unwind and enjoy dinner and a serene night at Fort Murchison Lodge or Paraa Safari Lodge.

Day 3 – Game drive and launch cruise along the Albert Nile:
After an early morning breakfast, you will go for a game drive on the Northern bank of River Nile. The activity takes about 3 – 5 hours and Wildlife in the Park includes elephants, Rothschild giraffes, buffaloes, lions, Hartebeest, Uganda kobs, oribis and waterbucks.

Return to the lodge for lunch after your eventful game drive and in the afternoon; go for a launch cruise on the Albert Nile which will give you an exciting panoramic view at the bottom of the mighty Murchison falls. Along the cruise, you will encounter crocodiles, hippos, and birds on the river banks like kingfisher, cormorants, bee-eater and the rare shoebill stork. Dinner and overnight as above.

Day 4 – Transfer to Kibale Forest National Park:
Breakfast will be served early and make an early start on this long drive to Kibale Forest National Park. You will have lunch in Fort portal town and enjoy a tour of the surroundings including the Tooro king’s palace. Proceed to Kibale forest arriving in the evening. Dinner and overnight at Chimpanzee forest Guest House.

Day 5 – Chimpanzee tracking and Bigodi Swamp Walk:
Early morning breakfast and attend briefing by the park rangers after which you will set out for chimp tracking within the Kibale Forest. The guides will equip you with lots of information about the forest and the different flora and fauna including colorful variety of butterflies. After an exciting search for the elusive chimpanzees, you will return to the Lodge for lunch.

After lunch, you will go for a nature walk in the Bigodi swamp area and look out for most of the water loving bird species. The forest /Park has almost 335 species of birds and therefore a good place for birders. Return to the Lodge for dinner and overnight stay as above.

Day 6 – Transfer to Semuliki National Park:
You will have breakfast and transfer to Semuliki national park for long Uganda safari which is also a relatively short drive and you will reach the park headquarters early where you will register and later check in into your lodge and enjoy lunch. Spend the afternoon enjoying the tranquility and magnificent view of the park and enjoy dinner as the sunsets!

Late evening, you will go on a night game drive in search for wildlife such as the slender mongoose, serval cats, white tailed mongoose and diminutive genet. Semuliki National Park is one of the few Parks in Uganda where one can go on the night game drive. The night game drive ends at 11:00pm or thereabout and return to your lodge to for a goodnight at Beguma cottages.

Day 7 – Chimpanzee tracking in the forest:
Early in the morning after a cup of tea, you will be briefed by the Uganda wildlife Officials at the Park headquarters about chimpanzee tracking. After this you will set out for chimpanzee tracking in the beautiful cool rain forest. Apart from the Chimpanzees, the forest is also home to a variety of bird species. Return to the lodge for lunch and in the afternoon, you will visit the hot springs of Sempaya and the pygmies after which you will transfer to fort portal town and enjoy dinner and overnight at Rwenzori View guest house.

Day 8:
After breakfast start and checking your climbing equipment and other necessities you travel to Mukorokimi Rwenzori mountains National park gate, the starting point to the Mountain, It is from here that you meet the Guides and porters that Escort you to the Higher peaks, This day you walk through Coffee plantations, homesteads, schools and interact with local Bakonzo people the inhabitants of the Rwenzori mountains to have a night the Amundsen community camp at the edge of the national park, it takes you between 3-4hours to reach the community camp.

Day 9 – Rwigho Camp 3300Masl:
After breakfast, take on the trail which bends west on the ridge overlooking the Kasuka and Isule valleys and onward to Kebitakuli for a rest while and take a breath and thereafter, hike through the montane rain forest overlooking bamboo forested valleys. Encounter plant species like the Disa stairssi, Scadoxus cyrtanthiflorus, Impetiens apiculata and spot or hear calls of black and white colubus monkeys, The Rwenzori Turaco and other birds. On trail you will spot chimpanzee nests and droppings or hear their calls. The trail will lead you through the heather zone and reach Rwigho Camp for an overnight. It will take you only 5-6 hours.

Day 10 – Kambeho 3700Masl:
After breakfast, the trail takes you through the heather trees (Ericathiasis) with lots of moss hanging over these trees. The is the heather zone with a lots of heather trees, scencio trees, alchemila, black berries, and many more plant species. While on trail you will be able to spot black and white Colobus monkeys, Varvet monkeys, sun birds, the Rwenzori turaco a rare beautiful bird in the park. On this day you will see lots of giant lobelias, everlasting flowers and rock shelters. Overnight at Kambeho Camp. This hike will take you 5 – 6 hrs with a stopover for a hot lunch at Mitiyighaghire.

Day 11 – Mughuli Camp3877Masl:
After breakfast, start with a climb along river Lhume, in the early morning hours of the day when still fresh and strong with urge to climb the only steep Mughuli bypass. As you think of slopping down to Lake Mughuli which is within MTN network coverage to give you a chance to call friends and family members about the beauty and experience encountered on the trail. There are several short peaks which one can easily climb depending upon what time you have arrived in the camp and how you feel. The vegetation along the Lake is so beautiful to catch up your eyes. Animals you might see along the trail are the Rwenzori red-duiker, rock and tree hyrax and wild pigs. Around the camp, you can have a self guided walk to explore the water falls. The approximate time taken from Kambeho to Mughuli Camp is about 6-7hrs hike with a stopover for a hot lunch at Mulhalhama resting view point.

Day 13 – Lake Bukurungu Camp 4291Masl/Bigo camp /3442Masl:
This camp is set in the heart of the two mountains of the Portal Peaks and Mount Gessi; it is a relaxing point to acclimatize for those interested in climbing the Portal Peaks and Mount Gessi. Five hours from Mughuli camp takes you through a very gentle crossing passing the vegetation of the alchemila, several giant lobelia species and the wonderful and unknown leaf looking like human palm. From Mughuli Camp to Bukurungu Camp will take you 5 – 6hrs.. On this day if the weather is clear, your eyes and hands on the camera will have all the main peaks of Edward on Mount Baker, Margherita and Alexadra on Mount Stanley, Vittorio Emanuela on Mount Speke, Kihuma on the Portal Peaks and Mount Gessi at glance.

Day 14 – Irine lake Camp 4495Masl/ Elena Camp 4541Masl:
After a cup of coffee get set off to Irene Lakes camp through the beautiful valley filled with giant lobelias, giant heather trees, groundsels, helichrysum and lots of stunning waterfalls, Finally you find yourself along L.Bujuku a lake collecting its waters from the melting glaciers of Mt. Speke, Mt. Stanley and Mt. Baker. Having trailed a long side the lake, you will continue for a one hour and a half to reach Irene Lakes Camp.

Day 15 – Margherita peak 5109Masl back to Bigo camp:
Wake up at 4.30am early in the morning for a cup of coffee and thereafter, start the climb to the main Margherita peak summit 5109m the highest point in Uganda and third Highest Mountain in Africa. While on top and assuming the weather is clear, you will be able to see the rest of the peaks on the Rwenzori Mountain range like Vittorio Emmanuelle on Mt. Speke, Edward on Mt. Baker, Mt. Albert and if the weather is good you opt to climbing all the twin peaks of Margarita and Alexandra all on Mt. Stanley. Though distance looks short but it can take you long hours to reach the summit due to fog and mist. After a good time, have a view of DR Congo. Be one of the people who have left their foot prints on top of the Mountains of the moon and confirm your arrival on this point with a breath taking and say yes I have made it. After your successful view and pictures, descend to Bukurungu/Bigo camp.

Day 16 – Bigo to Ibanda park gate:
After breakfast, descend through the heather zone route with beautiful views of the Rwenzori Mountains Range. Join the cook at Omokomujungu for a hot lunch as an energizer. Thereafter, continue descend crossing the Kurt Schafer bridge at River Mubuku and Bujuku River confluence and on to your hotel in Kasese. While on trail, you will see more of the black and white Colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, a lots of bird species like the starlings, sun birds, the great blue Rwenzori turaco, the Ross’s turaco and many of the butterfly family. It will take you 7-9 hrs from Bigo camp to Ibanda park gate to join your driver to Kasese town for a hot shower and WiFi

Day 17 – Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park (1 hour):
You will have breakfast and transfer too Queen Elizabeth national park where you will arrive well in time on your long Uganda safari and enjoy lunch at the hotel and in the afternoon; go for a game drive in the Northern crater area where there is a lot of dark holes called the black craters with no water.
You may be able to see a lot of animal including Elephants, lions, buffaloes, Leopards, baboons and warthogs among others. Return to the lodge and enjoy the evening sunset as it fades behind the majestic Rwenzoris. Dinner and overnight at Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge. We are just half way on the 21 days Long Uganda safari!

Day 18 – Game drive and Launch cruise:
You will have early morning breakfast and go for a morning game drive in the Kasenyi area which is well known as the Kob mating grounds and therefore a perfect spot to see a lot of kobs and other antelopes like the sitatunga, and the hyenas. Other wildlife can also be spotted such as the Elephants and lions among others on the long Uganda safari.

This game drive takes 2-3 hours and you will return to the lodge to clean up and later have lunch. In the afternoon, you will go for a launch cruise on the renowned Kazinga channel – famous for its highest hippopotamus concentration in Africa! You will also see a lot of crocodiles, elephants, buffaloes and other animals as they come down to drink and bathe plus a great deal of birds on the sandbanks. Return to the lodge for dinner and a great night at Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge as above.

Day 19 – Game drive and transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable forest National Park (4-5 hours):
This morning, you will depart the lodge with all your belongings and set out for a game drive in the Ishasha area bracing yourself for a chance to see the rare tree climbing lions. The climbing lions can be seen lounging in the fig trees during mid morning as they rest from the previous night’s strenuous hunt!
However it’s not a guarantee that the lions will be seen. Sometimes it depends on the luck and time of reaching the area. You will have lunch in the Ishasha sector and after proceed to Bwindi Impenetrable forest National Park in preparation for your next day Gorilla trek. Dinner and overnight stay at Nkuringo Gorilla Camp

Day 20 – Gorilla trek in Bwindi:
After an early morning breakfast, you will drive to the park headquarters for briefing with your packed lunch and later go for gorilla trekking, this could take 4-8 hours depending on the movement of the gorillas. After trekking, meet your driver and transfer back to the hotel where you will unwind as you reflect on the memorable gorilla trek. Dinner and overnight as above.

Day 21 – Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi:
After breakfast, you will depart for Lake Bunyonyi which is one of the deepest lakes is Africa. Lake Bunyonyi has almost 32 Islands and is a good stop over for relaxation from trekking Mountain Gorillas. Upon arrival, you will go on a boat ride which will enable you visit most of the islands on the Lake.

Each Island is named according to the bird species found on the Island and some were named because of their purposes for example the Punishment Island which is the smallest and was used by the Bakiga people to drop their girls who got pregnant before marriage. You will also learn a lot more about the Islands and the people that inhabit them and after the Boat ride, return back to the Lodge for relaxation while you watch the beautiful sunset. Dinner and overnight at Arcadia cottages.

Day 22 – Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park:
Have breakfast and embark on your long Uganda safari journey to Lake Mburo national park driving across the rolling hills and slopes of Kabale – known as “the Switzerland of Africa” and a stopover in Mbarara town for lunch. Proceed to Lake Mburo and enter the Park with a game drive en-route which will enable you to see animals like zebras, topis, elands, impalas, buffaloes and antelopes. Dinner and overnight at Mburo Safari Lodge.

Day 23 – Game drive and Boat ride on Lake Mburo:
Wake up for an early morning game drive and search for early risers and all other animals that you missed out in the previous evening’s game drive. Return to the Lodge for late breakfast and lunch. In the afternoon, you will go for a boat ride on Lake Mburo which will get you quite close to Crocodiles and Hippos. Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight as above.

Day 24 – Hyena walk and transfer to Entebbe:
Breakfast will be served early and after go for the hyena walk with in the Park. This is a guided walk where you will be escorted by a park ranger from the Uganda wildlife Authority for security purposes and to provide you with more information about the Park and the trail. Return to the lodge after the walk and transfer to Entebbe with a lunch stopover en-route and at the equator for photography and the experiment. Proceed to Entebbe arriving in the evening. Dinner and overnight at Entebbe Central Inn.

Day 25 – The Ssese Islands of Lake Victoria:
On this day of your long Uganda safari, you will transfer you to Nakiwogo landing site to board the ferry to Lutoboka. The journey takes about 3hours and on arrival, you will be met and welcomed by the hotel staff who will then transfer you to the hotel just meters away from the docking area (you may even freely walk). Check inn and freshen up, enjoy lunch and relax into the evening as you enjoy the sweet melodies from hundreds of bird species recorded here with a cool rewarding breeze from the lake. Dinner and overnight at Ssese Palm Beach Resort on long Uganda safari!

Day 26 – Full day at the Ssese Island:
you will enjoy breakfast with stunning sunrise and go bird-watching and forest walk in the nearby forest on the Island. You will look out for primates such as Monkeys as well as water and forest birds like: Hornbill, Turacco, Flycatcher, weaver, Fish Eagle, and colorful butterflies. Spend the afternoon relaxing on the white sand beaches around the Island. Dinner and overnight as above.

Day 27 – Transfer back to Entebbe and departure:
Have breakfast and after leave the Island by the morning Ferry back to Bukakata. Have lunch in Entebbe town and then later you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home.


Prices begin from $4905 – All inclusive for 2 people sharing and the safari is available for budget, mid range and Luxury options. Inquire now and enjoy this 21 Days Long Uganda Safari

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You would like to spend more time in Uganda?

That’s great, this tour can perfectly be combined with Gorilla Tracking and Lake Bunyonyi beforehand or with a visit to Jinja afterward. Whatever you wish, we can make it happen. We are a small tour operator which makes it possible for us to adjust itineraries or combine several tours. Just tell us about our plans in the booking form and we will provide you with more information.

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